Thursday, February 26, 2009

Old lies in Europe: "Holocaustianity" and anti-Capitalism

Holocaust denier, Bishop Richard Williamson, just kicked out of Brazil, arrived back in England, cheered on by his prominent supporter, Michele Renouf, who said on CNN that "Holocaustianity" has replaced Christianity. It seems that there are many proponents now of the idea that the Jews have fabricated the Holocaust for their own ends (specifically the creation of Israel) and have compelled the West to accept a new religion called Holocaustianity where no denial of it is the primary doctrine. What do you think of this new brand of rubbish and why do you think anyone could believe this? Google this term and see all of the proponents of this new attack against Israel and the Jewish people.
Bishop Williamson
Jens falk/Reuters;
Olivier Besancenot, Wikipedia

In France, we see the appearance of a new anti-capitialist party (same old communist party in a new suit) led by the 34 year old Olivier Besancenot. This party is gaining ground in France due to the world-wide financial collapse and threatens to take the normal French path of battle in the streets to re-establish an ongoing French revolution. I am sure they would love to restore the guillotine at Place de Concorde to weed out the worst offenders of the "will of the people," that French revolutionary model of the correct governmental policy. Moses, however, differs from this populist idea when he said not to follow after the majority. Mt. Sinai and the golden calf is a good example. It is so interesting to see revolutionaries seeming to know what the will of the people is even if the people don't want what they are supposed to need. Never mind the people's right to choose. The people's so-called collective will needs to be imposed even if they won't accept what is good and right for them. It's Orwell all over again: "War is Peace, Freedon is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength."

Here's what The Sunday Times (2/22/09-Matthew Campbell and Bojan Pancevski) had to say about trends in Europe and Besancourt.

"The French are known for a culture of protest but on this occasion the government has cause for concern. As the global financial crisis deepens, the flirtation with political extremes is intensifying to the extent that the most popular critic of President Nicolas Sarkozy is a firebrand Trotskyist committed to revolutionary upheaval.

Olivier Besancenot, the so-called “Red Postman”, is not only a hero to students demonstrating at the Sorbonne, birthplace of the student uprising in May 1968. The poll last week that described him as the “most effective” opponent of Sarkozy also showed that his approval rating had risen by 12 points to 23% since he founded the New Anti-capitalist party last month....

'Anti-capitalist views are spreading on the far right,' said Richard Stöss, a political scientist in Berlin who found that 82% of the right-wing extremists he questioned for a recent study said they were opposed to capitalism and globalisation.

In France the cherub-faced Besancenot is also changing his tune, not least by renaming his party whose old title, the Communist Revolutionary League, had been considered a turn-off for voters.

While he continues to advocate the overthrow of the government – through peaceful means, he insists – far-reaching nationalisation and the redistribution of wealth, he is also embracing environmental issues in the hope of broadening his appeal in time for European elections this summer."

So please keep up the prayer for France and Europe for a sound mind/common sense to be restored to their politics and for the lies against Isreal and the Jewish people to be confronted and vanquished.

Shalom from Paris. David Schneier