Sunday, December 13, 2009

Menorah in Moldova destroyed and Cross Replaces It. Check out the Video!

Seeing is believing. In Moldova a menorah on public display is uprooted and broken and a cross is planted to replace it. You have to see the video at Unbelievable? It's happening today. From CFCA at citing its source as

Keep praying for the Jewish people of Europe. David Schneier

Schneier's upcoming schedule

Our schedule for December and January is:
  • 12.12.09
    Sharing at the Messianic Center in Paris France
  • 12.27.09
    Sharing at Jesus the Good Shepherd Church in Paris, France
  • 12.31.09-01.02.10
    Start the Year Off Right with Chuck Pierce at Glory of Zion in Denton, TX
  • 01.03-06.10
    IAMCS Rabbi's Conference, Orlando, FL
  • 01.09.10
    Sharing at Shoresh David in Tampa, FL
  • 01.17.10
    Sharing at T'Shuvat Yisrael in Franklin, TN
Hope to see you in 2010. Shalom. David Schneier

Update from the Schneiers

As our people remember the great victory in Israel by the Maccabees almost 22 centuries ago over their pagan Hellenistic rulers, let us specifically remember the courage of those Jewish fighters who trusted the God of Israel and refused to be conformed by fear to the popular culture, religion and ideology of their day. They chose death over conformity as they observed their faith in a climate of severe persecution. At some point a priestly family from a small village decided they could not endure such hostility against their desire to worship freely the God of Israel. They took up arms to defend themselves and against all eartly odds drove out their oppressors . My prayer is that the body of Messiah has such courage in 2010 to face the spread of anti-Semitism that is gripping the world inn new disguises and with new/old arguments of appeasement of those who would destroy Israel. On a lighter note here's a Hannukah photo we thought you might enjoy of a menorah from Odessa, Ukraine with a base of the Eiffel Tower!

This year the Lord has brought positive steps towards unity and encouragement of the Messianic movement in Europe. First, in Ukraine we had two leadership retreats with 240 leaders and congregants attending from 18 different cities. Another retreat is planned in Crimea in the Spring (April 14-16) and anyone who wants to come is invited. (just contact me by e-mail). Here are photos from the last conference in November in Odessa and reading the Torah at our congregational service after the retreat.

We also had opportunities to gather leaders from the Messianic movement and churches who support the Jewish people in Holland and Paris in May and to speak at congregations and churches in the Netherlands, Belgium and France.Our plans for Spring 2010 include making contacts with Messianic congregations and fellowships in Czech, Italy, Spain and Finland. Before we leave for the IAMCS (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues) Rabbis conference in Orlando (Jan 3-6) we will be sharing in the Messianic congregation of Paris and a Filipino church that embraces Israel and the Jewish people. Through David's efforts as the IAMCS representative in Europe, 5 leaders from Europe were able to attend the MJAA's (Messianic Jewish Alliance of America) conference in the US to encourage them, their congregations and the movement in Europe.

One story about our building relationships with Jewish people here in Paris is worth noting because it is a fulfillment of our prayers that the Lord would bring us Jewish people to share Yeshua with. When you let the Lord take charge of your divine appointments things become very interesting. So it was Erev Yom Kippur and the Lord guided us to a large Sephardic synagogue in central Paris that had been built by Napoleon. I had to sit in the bleachers on the 3rd level because everyone had reserved the seats at 500 Euros each on the other floors below. I wound up seating next to a guy who had married and moved to France 20 years earlier. He was with his son who was to be bar mitzvah-ed the next week in this huge, ornate place. It seats about 2,500 people!

We began talking and then the service was interrupted because the Rabbi was conducting a fund raiser for the synagogue. My new friend was besides himself at this fund raiser during services and he said, "This is why Jesus became a Christian." He explained that the Jewish leaders in Jesus' time were always giving special places and perks to the rich so Jesus went to the poor and then became a Christian. I understood that the Lord had a place for me in this man's life. He then invited me to his son's bar mitzvah the next week. He e-mailed me during the week imploring me to come because he was divorced and he had no other relatives to stand with him during the bar mitzvah. It was a honor to be with him at this very difficult time in his life which normally is a great family celebration. It was also an honor to be in the center of the will of God. I am having lunch with him next Thursday and he has invited me to his Reform synagogue which is attended by some of the mostly influential Jewish people in the city. This is an answer to our prayers. "Lord, send us Jewish people to share your good news with and to build relationships with them that will bear fruit." We understand that the Jewish people are the apple of God's eye so His interest in their redemption is far greater than any plan we might have for them. Thank you Lord for arranging many circumstances like this already in Paris.

Before the Odessa retreat in mid-October, we had the privilege of helping to set up meetings for Chuck Pierce in Paris. Probably 300 people attended and Chuck had a very important word for France which can be read at There was a very strong move of God's spirit during the two meetings which fell at the end of Sukkot (Tabernacles). We also released the French version of Robert Heidler's very important book, "The Messianic Church Arising" which can be found in English at Chuck will be sharing at two sessions at MJAA's Messiah Conference in 2010. Here are some photos from the Paris conference.

Thanks again for your faithful prayers and support this year. We expect next year to be the best yet as we strengthen those who can reach the Jewish people in Europe while we make individual contacts and establish relationships with Jewish people who do not know Yeshua as Messiah. Please pray for us for wisdom and understanding for our next steps in Europe including finding a new apartment because our landlord decided to rent it to another couple after our being here two years because he thought somehow that we wanted to leave. Oy vey! Be blessed in the New Year.
Love and Shalom, David Schneier