Sunday, March 2, 2014

Conflicting reports from Ukraine as the country inches towrds war

Today the reports are conflicting as to what is happening in Crimea. I have heard that there are 6,000 Russian troops there and that Putin has taken control of the Crimean peninsula. Ukrainian armed forces are refusing t surrender to the invaders. Some communications from our friends say there is a general mobilization of 18 to 45 year olds and this age group must report to draft offices. Others say there is only a mobilization of reservists. In Odessa there was a march against Russia and Putin contained in the following link:  The crowd is chanting "Putin away."

Most of our leadership in Ukraine are in this draft age and they are the sole support of their families. They are facing severe challenges in every direction. If you want to help them and the Messianic movement in Ukraine you can send financial support to our congregation, Beth Hallel, at (go to the donate button and confirm your gift for Ukraine by sending us an e-mail at stating the amount, date and purpose given so your gift will be used for Ukraine). We will get these funds to where it is most needed so the Ukrainian Messianic Jewish movement can continue during this crisis).

Also we are going to Ukraine at the end of April to encourage the Messianic Jewish congregations there through a leadership conference in Odessa. If you want to go there still is time to join our group. Your willingness to go at this time will speak volumes to the believers there. Shalom, David Schneier

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